-------------------------------------------- PC Life ® 2000 Setup and Registration ReadMe -------------------------------------------- Welcome to PC Life ® 2000 V2.4.22 Y2K Compliance for Windows 95/98. PC Life 2000 is a software solution to the real-time clock (RTC) hardware problem. In addition to RTC/BIOS/OS Y2K compliance, PC Life 2000 includes features that enforce short and long system date format Y2K compliance, as well as manage the system clock and log date changes. This feature set combines to continuously ensure Y2K compliance. When you register, you'll receive a validation key that locks PC Life 2000 to the PC for which it was registered. PC Life ® 2000 is shareware and may be freely distributed. You can contact PC Life ® at mailto:pclife@kagi.com. Installing PC Life ® 2000 To install this program please unzip the pclife2k.zip file to a temporary directory and run setup.exe. This loads the Installation program that will guide you through the installation process. Optionally, you can create a floppy disk installation by copying Setup.exe, Setup.lst and pclife1.cab to disk1, pclife2.cab to Disk2 and pclife3.cab with ReadMe.txt to Disk3. Where the setup program detects that shared components are newer on your PC, you are notified and given the option of keeping your existing component. We suggest that you always keep the newer components. Un-Installing PC Life ® 2000 You must first exit PC Life ® 2000 before you un-install it! Exit PC Life ® 2000 using the Exit button on the PC Life ® 2000 System Settings Dialog (access this by clicking on the PC Life ® 2000 Icon in the System Tray and selecting Go | Settings on the Clock Form). If the Exit button is disabled then enable it by un-checking the "Forbid User Shutdown of PC Life ® 2000" checkbox. If this checkbox is disabled then Unlock (UnCertify) PC Life ® 2000 from the Locking (Certify) Tab on the settings box. You can tell that you have exited by the missing PC Life ® 2000 System Tray Icon on the Task Bar. Now that you have exited PC Life ® 2000, please use the Add/Remove Programs utility in the Windows Control Panel and select PC Life 2000 to remove the installation. [Register] The Unlicensed PC Life ® 2000 displays a startup form that includes a [Register] and an [Activate] button. Click the [Register] button and enter a name for the computer. Choose a name that makes it easy for you to identify the particular computer. A [Single] and [Multiple] button is now available. [Single] Computer Registration If you are planning on purchasing a single computer license for PC Life ® 2000 then click on [Single] button to run the register program. Enter <1> for the number of Licenses and complete the registration. Once payment is received, you will receive a Validation Code to License PC Life ® 2000 for your computer, usually within 24 hours if you pay by credit card. [Multiple] Computer Registration To make it easy to register a number of computers in 1 process, and to take advantage of multi-license discounts, use the [Multiple] button. Before proceeding with a [Multiple] registration, please prepare a floppy disk to accumulate the registration information for you. Any formatted 3 1/2" floppy disk will do (we need about 20K free). Insert this in Drive A:. Click the [Multiple] button and the registration information is placed on the floppy disk in Drive A:. You are then shown a list of the Computers to be registered and asked if this is the last Computer you wish to register [Yes] or [No]. If you answer [No] then you are finished with this computer, install PC Life ® 2000 on the next computer and repeat the above procedures, inserting the same floppy disk into each computer as you register. If you answer [Yes] then the register program is started. Enter the number of licenses required and complete the registration. [Validation] When you have sent the registration and payment, we reply with an Email (if possible) or letter, containing your validation code(s). Enter this validation code after clicking the [Validate] button, and click [submit]. This will license PC Life ® 2000 for that computer (You can access the [Validate] button from the Clock | GO | Register Menu). For a [Multiple] registration, you must match the codes corresponding to the computer names to license each computer. Many thanks. We thank you for taking the time to evaluate PC Life ® 2000. We trust that you will find that it delivers on all the Y2K services advertised, and more. If you have any problems, please let us know by email, and we shall endeavour to help you. Wishing you a smooth transition ... Wolfgang Flatow PC Life ® mailto:pclife@kagi.com